Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Perfect Tank

Ah, to create the perfect tank easy task for any designer, one would think.  Well, dear readers, I am one designer here to tell you that such a pursuit is far from easy…however, not impossible.  
Just to be clear, I’m not talking about creating just any tank top…I’m talking about creating THE PERFECT tank top: a ready-made design of the highest quality that makes you feel amazing and is a long-lasting staple within your wardrobe.  Like I’ve always said, to be a “Skinny Rich Bitch”, you don’t have to be skinny, rich or a bitch to acquire the title.  However, if you are a true SRB…you know a high-end tank top when you see one.  That is one of many things you cannot fake (right, ladies?).  

When I launched the Skinny Rich Bitch brand, my goal was not just to create bold, room-stopping statements on classic white tees, but to print the SRB brand on the best fabric I could get my hands on.  Believe me, you can’t print “Fresh from Rehab” on starchy, cheap cotton and expect success.  Any SRB wouldn’t be caught dead!

Now, think about your favorite tank top: what is it about that particular piece of clothing that makes you love it so much?  Is it how it hangs and shapes on your body, making everything look like it’s in the right place?  Is it the sturdy yet soft, silken fibers?  Is it because it’s timeless and versatile, a fashionable chameleon for any occasion?  Or is it because it never takes up shelf space in your closet since it’s too busy being fabulously draped over you body, never looking worn or out of style? 

For me, all of those reasons were what fueled my search to finding the perfect high-end tank.

Well, my search involved a long six-months filled with headaches and heartaches, yet fortunately leading me directly down a clear path to the “holy grail” of SRB Tanks (which turned out to be closer to home then I expected).  It was an experience where I learned one among many things: when you are searching FAR and WIDE for something, always remember to look at what you have right in front of you.  There’s a good chance you’ll find it there. 

Stay tuned for the continuation of “The Search for The Perfect Tank” 

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